Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) in collaboration with CAMFED, on Friday, 27th May, 2022, graduated 137 females under the Young Africa Works Program. The Young Africa Works Program focuses on training the youth to be entrepreneurial and self-reliant. Prior to the graduation, the Ladies received seven weeks intensive Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Bricklaying and Tiling, Computer Graphics and Photography, Electricals, Hardware and Networking, Web Development and Automotive Engineering.
At the graduation ceremony, Proficiency Certificates were conferred on the Ladies as follows: 24 in Bricklaying and Tiling, 53 in Computer Graphics and Photography, 7 in Electricals, 21 in Hardware and Networking, 20 in Web Development and 12 in Automotive Engineering.

In a brief address, the Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Peter O. Boamah, welcomed staff of BTU and CAMFED and the graduands to the graduation ceremony. He noted that, graduates from tertiary institutions in Ghana continue to struggle to find jobs after graduation, and called for support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) including clearly articulated policy on science, technical and vocational education since TVET is the surest way to deal with graduate unemployment.
He also expressed appreciation to CAMFED for sponsoring the program. He particularly advised the Ladies to apply the knowledge, skills and expertise acquired to develop themselves and to expand the Ghanaian economy. He urged them to continue to learn from experienced people and to shun temptations and vices of their trades.

The Program Manager of CAMFED, Mr. Christian Zico in an address extolled the efforts of the Ladies for venturing into male dominated areas. He said, “We are proud of you gallant and self- motivated young women for your demonstration of incredible levels of commitment and resilience throughout this seven weeks of intense training amidst challenges. You remained focus and kept your heads above the waters to break barriers and to rewrite the narrative of male dominated areas.” Mr. Zico urged the Ladies to be entrepreneurial in running businesses that will increase their income and create opportunities for other young people in their respective communities. The Ladies also received start-up kits to enable them set up their trades/business.
Miss Mahami Kusumu (right) receiving start-up kits from the Training Coordinator, BTU

Miss Mahami Kusumu, on behalf of her colleagues expressed profound gratitude to CAMFED and BTU for sponsoring and training them. She said, “We thank CAMFED and BTU for giving us these skills. We are ready to work. If you have any building work, call us, we will come and do it for you.”

The ceremony was attended by Key Officers of the University, Deans, Directors, and Facilitators including some media persons and graduands.