Department of Building Technology

Engr. Francis A. Ayam

Head of Department

About the Department

The Department of Building Technology was establish in September, 2012 and admitted its first cohort of students for the 2012/2013 academic year. The Department plays a unique role in training Building Technology graduates to provide the needed support for the sustainable development of the Built Environment sector of the country.

The Department of Building Technology offers 4 – year Bachelor of Technology (Full-time), 2 – year Bachelor of Technology (top-up: Part-time) and HND (Full-time) programmes. The Department is currently under the School of Engineering (SoE).

The specific objectives of this Programme include the following:

  1. Equip students with practical skills in building construction.
  2. Equip students with knowledge in building code, ethics, professional practices, and sustainable building construction practices.
  3. Train students to acquire competencies in innovative technologies in the planning, design, monitoring and evaluation of building projects.
  4. Train students to acquire competencies to improve on indigenous building materials for sustainable and affordable housing. 
  5. Equip students with research, critical and analytical thinking skills
  6. Equip students with entrepreneurial competencies


Graduates from the Building Technology program apart from self-employment may also find job opportunities in the following sectors:

  1. The private sector such as irrigation companies, NGOs, banks, haulage companies, and the mining sector,
  2. Civil engineering and Building Construction companies
  3. Teaching and research institutions; and
  4. Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs)



Staff Profile

Francis Abaa Ayam

Surv. Tengan Callistus (PhD)

Saeed Akannah Junior

Napolean Kuebutornye

Eugene Salam Ayoakateng

Clifford Darimaani

Andrew Anafo

Moses Ayaaba Akoogo

Sampson K. Ahiale

Roland Minyila