The Department of Building Technology was establish in September, 2012 and admitted its first cohort of students for the 2012/2013 academic year. The Department plays a unique role in training Building Technology graduates to provide the needed support for the sustainable development of the Built Environment sector of the country.
The Department of Building Technology offers 4 – year Bachelor of Technology (Full-time), 2 – year Bachelor of Technology (top-up: Part-time) and HND (Full-time) programmes. The Department is currently under the School of Engineering (SoE).
The specific objectives of this Programme include the following:
- Equip students with practical skills in building construction.
- Equip students with knowledge in building code, ethics, professional practices, and sustainable building construction practices.
- Train students to acquire competencies in innovative technologies in the planning, design, monitoring and evaluation of building projects.
- Train students to acquire competencies to improve on indigenous building materials for sustainable and affordable housing.
- Equip students with research, critical and analytical thinking skills
- Equip students with entrepreneurial competencies
Graduates from the Building Technology program apart from self-employment may also find job opportunities in the following sectors:
- The private sector such as irrigation companies, NGOs, banks, haulage companies, and the mining sector,
- Civil engineering and Building Construction companies
- Teaching and research institutions; and
- Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs)